CSR – corporate social responsibility at HitITgroup

Our company’s actions are based on corporate social responsibility (CSR). It is a method of management, which allows various types of businesses to take into account, in their daily activities, social interest and ecological issues.

At HitITgroup we care about society in the environment in which we all exist. In what way?

First of all, we hand over computer equipment to the poorest, putting a lot of work and heart into this project. Thanks to our actions children from orphanages, poor families, and educational institutions can enjoy using IT equipment. Often our equipment is their only source of connection to the world of the Internet. See what we have already accomplished!

Komputery dla szkół

``Whoever wants to light others, must burn himself`` – Ludwik Hirszfeld

We received such a quotation with a thank you note from the children of the orphanage in Szklarska Poręba. Some time ago, we decided to support children from this facility with equipment that will improve their distance education. Due to the situation in the country related to the virus, we could not personally come to Szklarska Poręba, which we very much regret. However, wonderful photos and sincere smiles of the children convince us even more to help those in need. Moreover, we are incredibly proud of joining recently the group of Friends of the orphanage in Szklarska Poręba!

“Helping changes the world for the better” – Przylądek Nadziei clinic

Recently, we all decided to support with our equipment little patients, caregivers and employees of the Przylądek Nadziei clinic. We are honoured and full of joy that we have been able to support people who give others hope for a better tomorrow every day. We are delighted that with our help, children can more easily learn via distance education. Overcoming a serious illness remains the most difficult task of all. However we hope that our help will at least provide them with a little taste of normal life.

Let’s read together – Public Library in Oława

At HitITgroup, helping others is no stranger to us! That is why we donated computer equipment to the Public Library in Oława. We hope that the new equipment will bring a lot of joy to all future users and give them an opportunity to gain some fascinating knowledge!

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