Professional cataloguing and equipment diagnostics in your company

Do you own a company? You probably know that in many companies and public institutions, old computers are, from time to time, replaced with newer and more efficient hardware. In this case, most often, devices that are out of use are stocked in various types of warehouses or cellars. Most of such computer equipment can go for re-sale, but for this to happen, professional records should be carried out, which will allow us to collect information about each of the computers and laptops.

In HitITgroup we deal with professional IT equipment cataloguing. We will do a comprehensive overview of the devices taking into account serial numbers. Professional IT equipment cataloguing combined with hardware diagnostics allows you to resell computers faster. Thanks to this, the whole process will last much shorter. It will take you a few months to create a list with detailed information about each device. Contact us and we will professionally and extremely quickly handle the cataloguing of IT equipment!

Cataloguing can be made remotely!



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IT equipment cataloguing by HitITgroup

Do you want your company’s cataloguing process to run extremely smoothly and quickly? Check out our services! Specialists from HitITgroup will take care not only of the cataloguing of computer equipment, but also its diagnostics. This will give you not only more time, but also peace of mind. What are the advantages of our company’s computer cataloguing?

The cataloguing of equipment in the company is carried out by qualified employees, who thanks to many years of experience will take care of every detail.
The entire process of cataloguing computers can be carried out at our headquarters or in your company. The only condition is to have the right technical facilities that are needed for this type of work.
Our work will show possible equipment damage or missing components.
You receive a detailed report from us in an XLS or PDF file.

What do you get from our cataloguing of computers and laptops?

The cataloguing and diagnostics of IT equipment offered by our company will enable us to make a valuation and give you a repurchase offer. Thanks to this solution, you will not only get rid of useless devices but also receive some money in exchange, which you can use to buy new equipment, or invest in some interesting projects. You can also join our CSR program and help those most in need. How? Some of your computer equipment will be donated to children from orphanages or educational establishments.

Besides, by ordering us to make an audit of equipment, you can gain much more. We will take over from you all the responsibilities connected with IT cataloguing, so you can focus on more important projects. Moreover, we will estimate the true value of the devices in your company. We can guarantee you a fast and safe realization of the task entrusted to us, which is the cataloguing of the computer network and diagnostics of equipment. Thanks to us you also help with protecting the environment in which we all live. How? We give computers a second life by upgrading them and re-launching them on the market. This reduces the amount of electronic waste. You do not have to worry about your cyber-security, because before computers leave your place, we will permanently erase your data without destroying the storage media thanks to our proprietary program WIPERAPP®.

Satisfied customers

Certificates and awards

Do not wait until unused computer equipment blocks the exit from the office! Contact us and take advantage of the offer!


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Company details

HitITgroup EP sp. z o.o. sp.j.
ul. Kominiarska 42ab
51-180 Wrocław, Poland

REGON: 021995311
NIP: 8943042312